Marriage Mass at Cathedral: There were 106 smiling couples at St. Augustine Cathedral last Sunday. They gathered for our annual celebration recognizing wedding anniversaries from one year to 70 or more years. Our longest wed couple was Phillip and Lucy Montano, married a whopping 76 years! Then there was William and Bernadette Knebelsberger, married 70 years.
As I reported last week, I visited St. John Seminary in Camarillo, California, and I installed several seminarians as lectors on Saturday, including three from our diocese.
Visits to Seminaries Later this week I will be visiting St. John Seminary in Camarillo, California. We have a number of seminarians studying there. I will be present for the Mass of Candidacy on Oct. 19.
The Synod of Bishops for the Amazon is not a "referendum" on priestly celibacy; it is looking for ways to provide for the sacramental life and formation of the people there, U.S. Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston said.
Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, released a pastoral letter Oct. 13, on the eve of the controversial holiday that Columbus Day has become, pointing to the church's role in racism at the border, particularly among indigenous communities, describes the pain of Latinos in the El Paso area following a mass shooting in August, but also calls on authorities to spare the life of the accused perpetrator.
Oct. 9, 2019 Priests Retreat This week and next many of our priests are attending another session of our ongoing retreats for priests. Msgr. Chester Borski, S.T.L., will present “Reflections on the Priesthood in the Light of the Gospel of Luke.” The monsignor’s background includes serving as a priest, assistant pastor, diocesan
"The truth is that the church is represented on earth by the vicar of Christ, that is by the pope. And whoever is against the pope is, ipso facto, outside the church," the cardinal said in an interview published Oct. 7 in Corriere della Sera, an Italian daily.
The University of Notre Dame's de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture will award its 2020 Notre Dame Evangelium Vitae Medal to Vicki Thorn, founder of the post-abortion healing ministry Project Rachel.
You should have received an email from the staff at the Official Catholic Directory. Please thoroughly review the requested information and complete each page as soon as practical, but no later than November 1, 2019. Please call our office if you have any questions or need any assistance (520-838-2500.) Thanks and many blessings to each of you!
Too many Christians today are "as long as" Christians, obeying God "as long as" God and the church meet their conditions and criteria for what is acceptable, just and righteous, Pope Francis said.
While the Synod of Bishops for the Amazon is focused on one small, but important geographical area, the issues involved impact the universal Catholic Church, said Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary-general of the Synod of Bishops.
Father Robert A. Gonzales, parochial vicar at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Tucson, will be the guest speaker at the 44th Annual Arizona Rosary Celebration Oct. 19, 9-11:15 a.m., in St. Augustine Cathedral.
A brief message from Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger This first Sunday of October is Respect Life Sunday. The theme for the day calls us to be attentive to the ways in which we are respecting life, both as individuals and as a nation.