Please note: The Diocese of Tucson offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2 in observance of Labor Day.
As with many communities, Tucson has its “on” and “off” seasons. Now that schools and colleges have begun again, we soon will see the return of our winter visitors and along with their return, we begin to plan for many annual events in our diocese. This also is the time to begin new programs. Here is a short list of upcoming events or programs; I will periodically try to highlight this information. The items below, along with others, also can be found in the September edition of the
Catholic Outlook
Here are few programs and events taking place around our diocese:
‘Surviving Divorce’ program that had been piloted in our diocese, now begins at two sites:
Tuesdays starting Sept. 10, 6:30 p.m., at the Diocesan Pastoral Center at Cathedral Square, 192 S. Stone Ave., Bldg. 2, Tucson; Wednesdays starting Sept. 4, 6:30 p.m., at St. Pius X Church, 1800 N. Camino Pio Decimo, Tucson.
“Surviving Divorce - Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family” is a first-time program being offered to newly-separated and divorced and those still struggling with issues many years later. The goal is to help participants find answers to their questions, restore hope and begin authentic healing. Cost is $25 and includes workbook and all program materials. Groups close after the third week and group size is limited. For more information or to register, call Felicia Klein, (520) 425-6529 or email
[email protected].
Musicians and liturgists workshop Saturday, Sept. 7, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Diocesan Pastoral Center at Cathedral Square, 192 S. Stone Ave., Bldg. 2, in Tucson.
The Jordan Ministry Team is sponsoring a Music Ministry Formation Day for all parish musicians, choir leaders, singers, instrumentalists and liturgy planners. Peter Kolar, editor for Spanish and Bilingual Music for GIA, will explore music ministry and offer a new repertoire for parish communities. Cost of the workshop is $30 and includes lunch. Deadline to register is Sept. 3; to register or for more information, email
[email protected] or call (520) 623-2563.
Charismatic renewal gathering at Sacred Heart Parish Thursday, Sept. 12, 6:30 p.m., Sacred Heart Church, 601 E. Fort Lowell Road, Tucson
The Diocese of Tucson Renewal Committee will hold its monthly “Alive in Christ” event with the theme “Save Our Families.” All are welcome to joyfully praise and worship with song, Scripture readings and words. For more information, call Gloria (520) 237-7060 or visit
Noche de Garibaldi presented by our Vocations Department Saturday, Sept. 14, 6-11 p.m., St. Augustine Cathedral Parish, 192 S. Stone Ave., Tucson
The diocesan Vocations Office will host the first in what it hopes will be an annual event to benefit the Catholic Seminarians Education Fund. The event will feature a series of mariachi bands and folkloric dance troupes, performing in 20-30 minute segments. A donation of $20 per person is requested. Food will be available for purchase, with assistance from the local parishes of Our Mother of Sorrows, St. Joseph’s, St. Monica’s and St. Augustine Cathedral. For more information, call (520) 838-2531.
Registration open: Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona The Diocese of Tucson Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona presents: THE OLD TESTAMENT. Enrichment study sessions take place one Saturday each month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Old Testament sessions begin Sept. 21, 2019 and finish on May 23, 2020. Unless otherwise noted, the sessions take place at the Pastoral Center at Cathedral Square, 192 S. Stone Ave., building #2.
Tuition is $300 for the year. Instructor: Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher, professor of Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles CA.
To register, or for more information, contact Isabel Madrid at
[email protected] or
call (520) 838-2544.
Catholic Schools As I mentioned earlier, our schools, and all schools in the Tucson metropolitan area, have started the fall semester. Happily, I am visiting our Catholic elementary schools, meeting students and principals and learning more about the goals and programs at our schools.
My first visit was to St. Cyril Catholic School yesterday. Like a few of our schools, St. Cyril’s has a new principal, Deborah Roche. She joined St. Cyril’s after the long-time principal, Ann Zeches, retired after leading the school for more than 19 years. This year the school has an enrollment of 380 students. The parish community also welcome a new pastor, Father Enrique Varela-Nungaray, OCD. He replaced Father Ron Oakham, OCD, who shepherded the parish for 11 years.
Thursday (Aug.29), I will celebrate Mass with the students at St. Ambrose Catholic School in midtown Tucson. I also will have a chance to visit with the pastor, Father Mark Long and school Principal Roseanne Villanueva. The school has an enrollment of 221 students.
Italian Catholic Federation Later this week I will meet with many members of the Italian Catholic Federation here in our diocese. The ICF members are having a conference beginning with a banquet on Thursday evening. I have learned that “the ICF is a non-profit fraternal organization for practicing Catholics of all cultures. Founded in 1924, the federation’s mission is to uphold and develop the religious spirit among its members and to spread that spirit throughout the community.”
In addition, the ICF sponsors a Heritage Program and in some cases provides scholarships to Catholic elementary and high school students and grants to assist the developmentally disabled. I admire the ICF members and their hard work for parishes and the pride and work they put into preserving their Italian culture.
Directors of Youth Ministry and Religious Education On Aug. 17, 150 catechetical and youth ministry leaders from all across the Diocese met for their annual gathering, this year held at the Pastoral Center at Cathedral Square. Discussion and presentations focused on the theme “Connecting Families with Sacramental Ministries”. I met many of the catechists in the morning, and then celebrated Mass at the Cathedral later in the day.
I am grateful to those who teach the faith to young people in our diocese. It is work that initiates and strengthens understanding of our faith and brings it to life in others.
Please pray For the soul of
Ms. Marty Hammond, who worked as executive assistant for our Vocations Department for 26 years before retiring in June 2017. Marty passed away Sunday, Aug.25.
Viewing will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 3 at St. Augustine Cathedral, 192 S Stone Ave., from
9 am. To 9:30 a.m., with the Rosary beginning at 9:30 a.m. Mass of the Resurrection will take place at 10 a.m. Internment will follow at Holy Hope Cemetery.
Please pray for Marty and for her husband, Steve, and other family members.
For the souls of
David Miller and his wife
Dale Miller. Both passed away on Sunday, Aug. 25 within a short time of one another. David worked for our diocese in the Property and Insurance Department as Real Estate and Risk Management Specialist. David joined the Diocese in February 2007 and retired in May or June 2014, but helped out as a consultant when needed. Please pray for their family and friends at this time of intense grief. Information on services is pending.