Visits to Seminaries Later this week I will be visiting St. John Seminary in Camarillo, California. We have a number of seminarians studying there. I will be present for the Mass of Candidacy on Oct. 19.
Candidacy is a rite which takes place
seminary during formation. The Church recognizes the seminarian as worthy of being ordained and that they can become a candidate for
ordination to the
priesthood. The Mass
of Candidacy is held after the candidates finish their philosophy studies and as they enter into theological studies. It is the next stage in the progression to holy orders.
Our seminarians at this stage of their training at St. John Seminary are Abundio Colazo-Lopez, Jesus Gomez and
Alan Soto Hopkins. Each began their first-year studies in Theology this year.
Two events to consider I encourage the people our diocese to consider attending two of our larger annual events. First, the Annual Rosary Celebration, taking place Saturday (Oct. 19), and then, for Catholic men, the Men’s Conference on Saturday, Nov. 2.
You may already know about the
Rosary Celebration that has been taking place in our diocese for many years. The same event always takes place in the Diocese of Phoenix following Tucson’s celebration. This year, this event will take place at St. Augustine Cathedral at 9 a.m. and concluding at 11:15 a.m. Bishop Emeritus Gerald Kicanas will be at the celebration in my place The guest speaker is Father Robert Gonzales, Parochial Vicar of St. John the Evangelist Parish here in our diocese.
The annual
Men’s Conference also will be held in downtown Tucson. The conference takes place in the Pastoral Center at Cathedral Square, right next door to the Cathedral. The keynote speakers are Father Dennis Billy, a Redemptorist priest, author and professor of spiritual and moral theology at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore; and Randy Cirner, a Catholic therapist, evangelist and family minister. He also holds a master’s degree in theology.
The day includes the opportunity for Reconciliation and a panel discussion with Father Billy and Mr. Criner and me. Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral concludes the event.