Catholic Bible Studies
Our Pastoral Services Department, which works with Father Felix Just, S.J., reports that the next session for the Catholic Bible Studies of Southern Arizona, is looking for new enrollees.
If you are interested in learning more deeply about the Bible, I encourage you to seek out this program. As our website indicates the "Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona(CBISA) is a three-year program which involves a comprehensive study of the Christian Scriptures (Old and New Testaments), focusing on the methods of study, sharing and praying with Scripture, and using skills for leading Bible Study or Scripture Sharing groups.
• YEAR ONE includes an introduction to the New Testament and an overview of the following: the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline Letters, the Deutero-Pauline Epistles, the Catholic Epistles, the Book of Revelation, other Early Christian Writings, and New Testament Theology.
• YEAR TWO includes an introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and an overview of the following themes: Torah/Pentateuch, Historical Writings, Prophets, Exile and Rebuilding, Wisdom Literature, Deutero-canonical Writings, and Old Testament Theology.
• YEAR THREE is a "Practicum" that focuses on developing practical skills for working with groups, with an emphasis on adult learning styles, facilitation skills, group process, conflict resolution models, scripture-study resources, and leadership training."
The instructors are Father Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D., of Jesuit Biblical Ministries, Jesuits West USA, Province of the Society of Jesus, and Daniel Smith-Christopher, Ph.D., professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, Calif.
The Institute meets once a month on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Our Mother of Sorrows Church, 1800 S. Kolb Road in Tucson. Participants also can attend Mass at 8:30 a.m. at the church before each session begins.
Enrollment for Certification: Involves satisfactory completion of all requirements for all six semesters: Year I, Year II, & Year III. Enrollment for Enrichment involves participation in Year I and/or Year II, without earning a certification. Tuition is $300 per year.
For additional information, please contact Ofelia James at the diocesan Office of Formation at 520-838-2545 or [email protected] or Isabel Madrid at 520-838-2544, or email [email protected]
Happily, my schedule this week again includes many confirmations. These liturgies give me the most wonderful chance to visit parishes I haven't seen yet, and to meet with parishioners and their family members. I get a good view of how beautiful each parish community is during my time there.
I will be conferring the sacrament on young people at the following parishes: Mission San Xavier, Most Holy Nativity in Rio Rico, St. Bartholomew in San Manuel, St. Odilia in Tucson and Sacred Heart in Nogales.
Last Sunday I also got to celebrate Mass at the University Chapel, without Confirmation, just to visit for a while with the people of the parish.
Monday of this week included an unplanned visit to San Miguel Cristo Rey High School.
It's a very impressive place and I had a wonderful tour led by students and faculty.
Priest Convocation
I reported at length on the upcoming Convocation in last week's Update. Many of our diocesan priests will be out of their parishes between about noon on Tuesday, April 24 through Thursday, April 26, as they attend this important gathering.
Please pray for our priests while they are away.
Please remember
Angelita Amaro, mother of Grace Lohr, a former employee of the Pastoral Center. Angelita died last weekend. The rosary will be said Thursday, April 19, at St. John the Evangelist, from
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The funeral Mass is at St. John's on Friday, April 20, at 9:30 am.