Two Catholic entities received awards for National Philanthropy Day at an annual luncheon Nov. 15 in Tucson.
Students at Salpointe Catholic High School won the Outstanding Youths in Philanthropy award and Catholic Foundation Board member Sergio Cardona received one of 43 2019 Spirit of Philanthropy awards from Southern Arizona Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
The Outstanding Youths in Philanthropy honor is one of six major awards recognizing “individuals and organizations whose philanthropic contributions and dedicated volunteerism improve the quality of life in our community,” according to the association’s website
An article on the Salpointe website said that students performed more than 42,000 hours of charitable works during the 2018-19 school year.
Cardona, who has served on the Foundation board since 2017, serves as president of the diocesan chapter of Movimiento Familiar Cristiano, along with his wife Rosalba. He also owns ED2, which focuses on next generation wireless products.
The Spirit of Philanthropy award recognizes “those who exemplify philanthropy through their contributions of time, talent, and/or treasures. Formal praise of those who demonstrate extraordinary leadership and vision in support of your organization’s goals not only confirms their efforts but also inspires others in Southern Arizona to become more involved in our community,” according to the website.
Editor’s note: Catholic Foundation Executive Director Ernie Nedder is listed as vice president and chairman of the advisory board of ED2, according to the company’s website