One of the primary management tools of the Parish Board of Directors is the Parish Budget.
The Parish Budget defines, for the Pastor/President of the Parish Corporation, the authority to expend parish and school resources in his operation of the parish and school.
The Parish Board of Directors should approve the new annual budget no later than June 30th of every year.
The proposed budget is developed by the pastor, business manager, and the finance council. It is then presented to the Board of Directors for approval annually at a regular meeting.
2024 templates for the budget meetings:
You can schedule a budget meeting by reaching out to:
Chris Barrios
Corporate Matters
✆ (520) 838-2553
✉ [email protected]
Once your meeting date and time have been confirmed, prepare the Notice of Meeting 14 days in advance of the meeting and route it to five board members.
As specified in the Corporate Bylaws Article III Section 1, each parish Board of Directors is required to meet annually on or before the date designated by their particular bylaws.
It is suggested that all annual meetings be held prior to September 30, to aid the Diocesan Fiscal department in compiling the total Diocesan Financial Report and to provide actuary and pastoral information to the Bishop through the submission of the Parish Annual Financial Report (PAFR) and the annual Pastoral Report.
2024 templates for the annual meetings:
The following areas of activity in the operation of the Parish Corporation and any item listed below as extraordinary administration require the calling of a meeting of the Parish Board of Directors.
Templates for special meetings: