Prayer and Action
Our second Prayer & Action Camp now is in session at Our Mother of Sorrows Parish in Tucson.
Just as in Yuma, participants in Prayer & Action are working in a mission service retreat where they help elderly or other homeowners with yard work, painting or cleaning . It is good hard, and lately, very hot work.
The entire camp emphasizes service to others. There is work, but also fun and games and prayer. It is a program that was successful in my last diocese and very much taught teens by giving them a better understanding of the needs of others, what they could do to help, and how wonderful it is to be of service.
As I reported last week, the week could just be the starting ground for future ministries and careers dedicated to others. Look at the photos from the Prayer & Action camp today; these teens are working hard, but they also are having fun and sharing their energy and strength and learning to love others.
I ask you to pray for our teens involved in Prayer &Action this week. I also ask parents, grandparents and those raising teens to consider registering teens for the program next year. It is a great boredom fixer with a mission.
I will be joining the teens this morning as they work on houses and will celebrate Mass with them.
Left: Bishop chats with two Prayer & Action campers during a break in Tucson today. Photos by Iliana Gonzales
Adult instruction
Try the Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona
Our first Bible Institute class graduated during the summer. All seemed pleased with the comprehensive Bible study they had completed, and many said they gained a much broader understanding of Sacred Scripture.
The next program now is open for registration. The Catholic Bible Institute of Southern Arizona (CBISA) ) is a three-year programthat involves comprehensive study focusing on sharing, praying with scripture, and application of skills in Bible-study leadership.
Participants can enroll to receive certification, or without certification, referred to as enrollment for enrichment. Certification requires "satisfactory completion of all requirements for all six semesters: Year I, Year II and Year III
Enrichment requires participation in Year I and, or Year II.
Sessions: One Saturday each month from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Our Mother of Sorrows Parish, 1800 S. Kolb Rd, Tucson.
Tuition is $300 per year. For registration and information Please contact Isabel Madrid at [email protected] or 520 838-2544.
Please remember
Sister Mary Anita Valdez, OSB , who passed away July 15 following a massive stroke. Sister was one of "prayer warriors" at the former Benedictine Monastery in Tucson and had moved back to the motherhouse in Clyde, Mo., a few months ago along with many of her colleague sisters. She was 85.
Born Mercedes Loyola Valdez received her religious name of Mary Anita at her first profession in October 1952 and made her final vows as a Benedictine Sister of Perpetual Adoration. During the changes of Vatican II Sister transferred her vows and became a member of the Benedictine Sister at Sacred Heart Monastery in Yankton, S.D. in 1968, but then eventually returned to the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in 1993. Sister was a skilled seamstress and organist, and also had majored in music and Spanish.
Over her ministry, Sister served in Kansas City, Mundelein, Ill., Tucson, Nebraska, South and North Dakota and Indiana.
There will be a wake and vigil for Sister Mary Anita at the motherhouse in Clyde on Sunday, July 22. The funeral Mass and burial will take place Monday, July 23 at Mt. Calvary Cemetery.
Aug. 15: Holy Day of Obligation. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary