This first Sunday of October is Respect Life Sunday. The theme for the day calls us to be attentive to the ways in which we are respecting life, both as individuals and as a nation. As followers of Christ, the Lord of all life, we are called to give particular attention to the lives of the unborn, the vulnerable, the despised, and those with no voice. The message of Jesus in the Gospel calls us to protect the life and dignity of all our brothers and sisters for indeed the face of God is etched on all.
We are blessed that Arizona is viewed by many as one of the most pro-life states in our nation. While we celebrate this good news we can never fail in our efforts to reverence the lives of all, from conception until natural death.
Our parishes have received resources to keep the message of life before us throughout the year. Let us commit ourselves to prayer and actions that will result in a culture that reverences the divine life and dignity of all.