Vol. 8, No. 33
Jan. 10, 2011
I am returning to Tucson today from Jerusalem, where I was participating in the annual Coordination of Episcopal Conferences for the Church in the Holy Land.
What a shock to see and hear on the news about the tragedy and senseless violence that took place in Tucson. I was stunned to learn that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had been shot and that Judge John Roll and Christina Green, a young girl from St. Odilia Parish, had been killed and so many wounded.
To see the scenes from the Safeway at Oracle and Ina, to see the frantic efforts at University Medical Center to save lives, to see people I know being interviewed on national news was overwhelming. It broke me up. I could not sleep. I just wanted to return home as soon as possible. I could not believe that this would be happening in a community we all enjoy and love.
As I would expect, the community has risen to the occasion. Bystanders stepping up to help at the scene, medical staff working feverishly to care for those harmed, our public servants trying to find answers to a horrific act of violence perpetrated against innocent people, everyone praying and offering support and condolences.
Before I left the Holy Land, I concelebrated Mass with 10 bishops in a small Catholic church in Jericho. There are only about 50 Catholic families in the village, and they all expressed to me their condolences for what happened in Tucson and promised their prayers, as did each of the bishops from Canada, Albania, France, Germany, England and the Holy Land. Their comfort and heartfelt prayers meant a lot.
In the Holy Land, violence is feared and expected. Violence, too often, tears apart both the Israeli and the Palestinian people. Each community knows well the result of senseless violence. Their families have mourned the loss of loved ones and cared for those injured.
The people in Jericho, knowing well the life in their community and hearing about what happened in Tucson, asked me, "Bishop, how can we prevent these acts of violence that destroy the lives of so many?" I wish I knew the answer. But, as the world continues to seek an answer to that question, we can, each in our own way, strive to respect others, speak with civility, try to understand one another and try to find healthy ways to resolve our conflicts.
But, right now it is important as a community to pull together and to reach out in care and concern to all who have been affected by this tragedy.
We will gather at 7 p.m. tomorrow at St. Odilia Parish in Tucson as a family of Faith for a "Mass for the Healing of Our Community, Remembrance of Those Who Have Died, and for the Consolation of All Victims and Their Families."
All in our community are invited.
I share with you the letter that was communicated at our parishes over the weekend.
Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
While in the Holy Land, I have learned of the terrible violence that has occurred in Tucson.
It is incomprehensible that such a horrible tragedy could happen in the community that we love so much. I am shocked and devastated as I see the horrible pictures on the news and hear the reports of those who have been killed and injured.
We pray for the repose of the souls of those who were killed and for the comfort and consolation of their families.
We pray for the healing of those who were wounded, among them Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and for the comfort and consolation of their families.
We pray for the comfort and consolation of our community. We share with each other the shock and the heartbreak of this tragedy. We weep in our sadness, and we seek comfort from each other.
We pray to be a channel of peace, that where there is hatred we will bring the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
As a family of Faith, we unite in prayer for the repose of the souls of our sister and brother in Christ, Christina Green and Federal Judge John Roll, who were among those who died, and for the comfort and consolation of their families.
Christina, just nine-years-old, received her First Communion last year at St. Odilia Parish in Tucson. "Let the children come to me," Jesus said (Matthew 19:14). Christina is with Him.
Judge Roll was a person of great faith and great integrity. He lived his faith as a devoted parishioner of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish and St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Tucson. For many years, he would begin his day serving the early morning Mass at Sts. Peter and Paul. He proclaimed the Word of God as a lector at Sts. Peter and Paul and St. Thomas the Apostle. He lived his faith as a servant of our nation for the cause of justice.
In your Prayers of the Faithful at this Mass, please pray:
For all those who were killed and injured in the senseless and tragic violence of the shootings in Tucson, for their families and loved ones, and for an end to violence that brings so much harm to so many innocent people, let us pray to the Lord.
Vol. 8, No. 34
Jan. 18, 2011
This past week, so tragic because of the violence that ended six precious lives, that wounded 13 persons, that left families deeply grieving and that shocked our community to its core also was a week of blessings. To see how our community has pulled together and to experience the outpouring of love and concern for the victims of the shootings and their families inspires us and consoles us.
I was so deeply moved driving Thursday afternoon to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish for Christina Taylor Green's Funeral Mass. All along Shannon Road, people formed lines to greet the family and to stand in solidarity with each other. A line of "angels," their white cloth wings extended, symbolized for me the Angels of Heaven that certainly surrounded Christina Taylor and brought her home on that dreadful Saturday morning.
Tears welled in my eyes when I stood with Roxanna and John, her parents, and Dallas, her brother, looking up at the 9/11 Relic Flag that came from New York to be displayed at the church. John, Roxanna and Dallas showed us great courage as they walked underneath the flag into the church to say their final farewell to Christina Taylor.
On Friday morning, yet again in the church of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for the Funeral Mass for Judge John Roll, I thought about how Maureen Roll and her sons Robert, Patrick and Christopher must be feeling as they listened to Father John Lyons' wonderful homily about his childhood friend who touched the lives of so many people in our community because of his faith, his integrity and his care and concern for others.
Those who shared remembrances of Judge Roll told moving, hilarious and inspirational stories that gave us a fuller picture of this man who spent more than 40 years serving the cause of justice. Especially, the words of his grandchildren brought tears to many eyes.
In the funeral procession to Holy Hope Cemetery, I was brought to tears as I witnessed the respect for Judge Roll and the concern for his family. Police and firefighters stood at attention, and at intersections where the police halted traffic to let the procession through, people got out of their cars to salute or simply to stand at attention.
The Saturday evening memorial service for Phyllis Schneck at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Tucson was beautifully led by Pastor Andrew Ross. With all in the church, I saw him begin the service by putting on an apron that Phyllis had made for him. Pastor Ross reflected on her life as a person who throughout her 79 years had served and demonstrated concern for others. She was a seamstress, a wonderful cook and a loving grandmother, proud of her children and grandchildren.
At University Medical Center, a huge shrine has grown on the front lawn. Thousands of candles, some in glass containers bearing images of Our Lady of Guadalupe, San Judas Tadeo and of the Crucified Christ, line the sidewalk. Countless bouquets of flowers are strewn all over the grass. Stuffed animals and moving notes to each of the victims of the tragedy are placed all around the area. As people reverently walk through the many memorials, it is obvious how this community has come together.
I am so proud of and grateful to our parish communities of St. Odilia, St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for providing comfort and support to the Green and Roll families. The staff of each of the parishes worked so hard. I am grateful to all of them, and especially to Karen McEwen of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.
Father Pat Crino, Father John Lyons, Father Richard Troutman and Father Joe Lombardo were truly pastoral in their outreach to the families, and the presence of a number of our priests who attended the Funeral Masses was certainly appreciated by the families. I am grateful for the help of Father Jay Jensen of St. Augustine Cathedral Parish for serving as Master of Ceremonies for our Mass of Healing at St. Odilia and at the Funeral Masses.
I am so grateful to and proud of our Pastoral Center Staff -- John Shaheen, David Miller, Sheri Dahl, Ofelia James, Grace Lohr, Marty Hammond, Father Al Schifano, Ernie Nedder, Bern Zovistoski, Dr. Paul Duckro, Sister Lois Paha, Sister Charlotte Ann Swift, Sister Rina Cappellazzo, Sonya Guttierez, Joe Perdreauville and Fred Allison -- who did so much to support the staff of St. Odilia, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Thomas the Apostle. And, I am grateful to Jim De Castro and the staff of Holy Hope Cemetery for the arrangements for the Rite of Committal.
We have experienced a tragedy that could have torn our community apart, but which instead has bound us together. We continue to pray for those injured and all whose lives were affected by the shootings.
1. Responding in Prayer -- Last week, a group of interfaith leaders from around our State joined me at the Pastoral Center to discuss how we might help our community heal. Several suggestions were brought forth, including a healing and cleansing prayer at the site of the shootings. We tentatively have scheduled this prayer for this Thursday at noon.
A special gathering for children of all faiths that will bring them together to pray for an end to violence will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. this Sunday at Casas Adobes Congregational Church, 6801 N. Oracle. All children ages five through 12-years-old and their parents are welcome.
2. Annual Tucson March for Life -- How precious life is!
How we celebrate life in the joy of a mother and father who learn they are to be parents and in their joy at their child's birth and in their joyful tears when they hear their newborn's first cry.
How we celebrate life in the birthdays of our children, parents and grandparents. How we celebrate life, even at the passing of those close to us, remembering in our grief the times of joy we shared with them.
How precious life is!
No number of exclamation points can communicate that any better than what I experienced last week at University Medical Center and at St. Odilia Parish, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish and St. Thomas the Apostle Parish.
Life is indeed the greatest gift our loving God gives us, and all life, from conception to natural death, is to be respected and is deserving of protection, is worthy of dignity.
This Saturday, the annual Tucson March for Life, held each year at the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision, calls us to prayerfully witness to the sanctity of life of the most vulnerable -- the unborn. We pray and march for the lives lost to abortion, for the women whose children died from abortion, for the woman who faces this day a decision about her unborn child. We pray and march for a change of hearts and minds in our nation that will establish the foremost responsibility of society to protect the unborn child.
This year's March for Life will begin with 9 a.m. Mass at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Tucson. We will then gather in the parking lot of St. Augustine Cathedral for the march to Holy Hope Cemetery. Please join me.
I am grateful to Kelly Copeland and all who have helped to organize this annual march and to Jim De Castro and the staff at Holy Hope for helping to arrange the ceremony and prayer at the cemetery that includes the presentation of roses for each year since the Roe vs. Wade decision. I am grateful to Father Philip Sullivan, O.C.D., for offering St. Margaret Mary Parish as the location of the Mass while our Cathedral's renovation continues.
3. Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson -- I will participate in tomorrow's meeting of the Foundation's board of directors. Our agenda includes a discussion about the upcoming grants process. Each year, the Foundation distributes funds from endowments that have been left in trust by donors. The deadline to submit a grant application is Jan. 31. For more information, visit the Foundation's Web site or call Martin Camacho, the Foundation's executive director, at 520-838-2508.
4. 2010 Annual Catholic Appeal -- This week, I plan to attend the three final leadership training sessions for our 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal.
"Go, Be the Light of Christ," is this year's theme.
Last week, we were able to hold leadership training sessions for our parishes in Yuma, Green Valley and Tucson. I am grateful to all who attended those meetings during what was a very difficult week for our community.
This weeks meetings are at St. Rose of Lima Parish in Safford this evening, at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Miami on Thursday and at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Tucson on Friday. This meeting is typically the largest as everyone who has not had an opportunity to attend one of the earlier leadership training sessions is encouraged to attend.
I am grateful to Margie Puerta Edson, director of the Annual Catholic Appeal, and the Appeal staff of Robin Evans, Lisa Nanez, and Lori Callas who have traveled all around the Diocese preparing our parish leadership for this year's campaign.
Our goal for 2011 is the same as 2010: $3.7 million. We are very encouraged by the success of the 2010 campaign, particularly the significant increase in participation and the strong pledge fulfillment rate.
I encourage you to visit the Appeal Web site and to view this year's video.
5. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity -- "One in the Apostles' Teaching, Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer" (Acts 2:42), is the theme of this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
This annual observance is sponsored internationally by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.
This year's theme reflects the hopes of the Christians of Jerusalem, who call upon their brothers and sisters to make this week of prayer an occasion of renewed commitment to work for genuine ecumenism grounded in the experience of the early Church.
I am honored to have been invited to preach at our local observance of this special week at 7 p.m. this Wednesday at the Lutheran Church of the Foothills in Tucson.
6. School Mass -- I look forward to being with the students, faculty, staff and families of Sts. Peter and Paul School in Tucson this Friday for 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Sts. Peter and Paul School is right across the street from University Medical Center. Principal Jean McKenzie was placing messages of support from the students at the shrine for the victims of the shootings when Mark Kelly, husband of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, approached her, introduced himself, took photos of the messages and conveyed his thanks to the students.
7. Pastor Installation -- It will be my joy this Saturday during the 5 p.m. Mass to install Father John Lyons as the second pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Tucson.
The Mass also will be an occasion to express to Msgr. Todd O'Leary, pastor emeritus and founding pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle, the gratitude of the whole community for his service.
During the celebration, I will consecrate the Church, anointing with chrism the new crosses that have been installed. I am sure this will be a special celebration for all in the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish.
8. On the Confirmation Trail -- I will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday evening at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Tucson.
9. Congratulations to Father Mark Padrez, O.P. -- We are blessed in our Diocese by the presence of the Dominicans of the Western Province who serve at the St. Thomas More Newman Center Parish at the University of Arizona.
I have received the happy news that Father Mark Padrez is the newly elected Provincial of the Western Dominican Province. Father Mark is a native son of Nogales and a graduate of the University of Arizona who was very involved at the Newman Center. Our prayers go with him in his new responsibilities.
10. Cancellation Advisory -- The Kino Border Initiative Anniversary Mass that had been scheduled for noon this Sunday at Sacred Heart Parish in Nogales has been cancelled. The Mass will be rescheduled.
11. Benefiting Our Priests Pension and Vocations -- Sunday evening, the Msgr. Don Hughes Council of the Knights of Columbus at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Tucson hosted its seventh annual fund raising dinner to help provide our retired priests with a pension that reflects their lifetime of service to our Church.
More than 200 attendees generously supported this year's benefit with donations of more than $48,000. With the leadership of Knight Marty Ronstadt, the Council has raised more that $430,000 the past seven years to help us maintain the monthly benefit that our retired priests receive.
Marty mentioned at the end of the evening that he had been to Mass with Judge John Roll the morning he was killed. Judge Roll and his wife Maureen had already bought tickets for the evening in honor of our retired priests. Marty acknowledged how proud John was to be a Knight of Columbus.
I am grateful to the members of the Italian Catholic Federation in our Diocese for their support of our seminarians. Council 434 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Tucson, Council 433 at St. Joseph Parish in Tucson, Council 425 at Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Green Valley and the Federation's Central Council, represented by Jim and Janis Jones of San Jose, California, have provided generous gifts to assist the education and formation of seminarians who will serve our Diocese as priests.
12. San Solano Missions Parish -- Yesterday, Father Raul Trevizo, Vicar General, and I joined Father Alfonso "Ponchie" Vasquez, O.F.M., pastor, the Franciscan Brothers and a number of lay staff to lay the groundwork for a pastoral plan for San Solano Missions, our parish on the Tohono O'odham Reservation. The parish's boundaries encompass an area the size of the state of Connecticut.
There was a lively discussion of the strengths and blessings in the community. We talked about the challenges faced by the Church on the Reservation.
A number of excellent ideas surfaced, including: establishing a School of Ministry to prepare lay ministers for service in the various villages and districts; re-energizing the Echoes of Faith adult formation program; holding a Youth Day that would bring together elders and youth from the Nation; developing one Parish Pastoral Council that would look at how pastoral services can be best provided on the Reservation; strengthening the finances and improving the facilities of the San Solano Missions Parish; and providing faith sharing experiences for the many lay volunteers who serve the various villages.
At the end of the meeting, participants used words like "good," "hopeful," "encouraging," "helpful," and "a blessing" to describe the conversation. I found the experience very beneficial in understanding some of the challenges faced by the Church in its ministry to Native Americans. I was inspired by the commitment, dedication and deep faith of the volunteers who came to share their thoughts and hopes.
13. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- Hundreds of thousands of people across our country paid tribute yesterday to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in a way that would have made Dr. King smile. They participated in service projects in their communities.
In our community, his call for us to respect each other and to seek justice and change in society by peaceful means have special resonance.
Vol. 8, No. 35
Jan. 24, 2011
On Saturday, the 38th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion, we prayed, we sang, we marched in witness of our belief that all human life -- from conception to natural death -- is sacred.
St. Margaret Mary Church in Tucson was filled to overflowing with those who came to pray for life Saturday morning at the Mass that is the beginning of the annual Tucson March for Life.
Father Philip Sullivan, O.C.D., pastor, welcomed us. The community of St. Margaret Mary, including a large group of teens from the parish's youth group, made us feel at home with the hospitality they extended to all of us.
In addition to Father Philip, concelebrating the Mass with me were Father Domenico Pinti, our diocesan Vicar for Life Issues and pastor of St. George Parish in Apache, Father Albert Bunsic, O.C.D., of St. Margaret Mary Parish, Father Thomas Reeves, O.C.D., and Father Mark Kissner, O.C.D., of Santa Cruz Parish in Tucson, Father Marcos Velasquez of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Maricopa, Father Liam Leahy of St. Mark the Evangelist Parish in Tucson, Father Abram Dono, S.T., of Blessed Kateri Parish in Tucson, Father Ukachukwu Onyeabor, chaplain at Carondelet Health Network in Tucson, Father Richard Menshengen of Holy Family Parish and St. Gianna Oratory in Tucson and Father Ricky Ordonez, our diocesan director of Vocations. Father Francisco Maldonado of Our Lady of the Valley in Green Valley joined us later for the march.
The Tucson March for Life, which followed the Mass, started at St. Augustine Cathedral. The procession of about 2,000 people was more than six blocks long. It was the largest number of participants I have seen at the event. The marchers many young persons representing their parishes and schools, including St. Helen in Eloy, Our Lady of Grace, Sacred Heart in Nogales, St. Margaret Mary, Santa Cruz, Our Lady of the Valley, Lourdes High School in Nogales and Sts. Peter and Paul in Tucson. They carried banners calling for an end to abortion, reminding us that God is the author of life and how precious is the gift of a child.
Children in the arms of their parents or riding in strollers pushed by their parents showed us how precious is the life of a child and why we had come together.
At Holy Hope Cemetery, we shared in the Rose Ceremony in which a rose representing each year since Roe v. Wade was brought forward by a person born in that year. The boy who carried the rose for 2008 is a Down syndrome child. Kelly Copeland, one of the organizers of the Tucson March for Life, told us of the tragic loss of life of children whose parents choose abortion when they discover their unborn child will be born with a disability. The child carrying the rose for 2008 reminded us that every life is a gift from God, precious in God's eyes.
I thank Kelly and Barbara Copeland, Sunny Turner and all the organizers of the march for their dedication to this annual witnessing to the sanctity of life. I thank Jim De Castro and the staff of Holy Hope for receiving us and hosting our prayers at the memorial to children who were denied life because of abortion.
1. National Prayer Vigil for Life -- More than 10,000 persons, many of them teens and young adults, gathered last night at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., for the Opening Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life.
The Vigil is held at the Basilica annually on the eve of 2011 March for Life.
Following the Opening Mass, the Vigil continued in the Crypt Church of the Basilica with confessions, a National Rosary for Life, Night Prayer according to the Byzantine Rite, and holy hours led by seminarians from across the country from midnight until 6 a.m.
This morning, the Basilica was host for Morning Prayer at 6:30 a.m. in the Crypt Church and the Closing Mass at 7:30 a.m. in the Great Upper Church. After Mass, participants in the Vigil began to gather for the national March for Life.
The National Prayer Vigil for Life is co-sponsored by the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and The Catholic University of America.
2. Multi-Faith Day of Healing for Children -- Casas Adobes Congregational United Church of Christ hosted a special Multi-Faith Day of Healing yesterday afternoon for children in the Tucson community.
Children, ages five through 12, and their parents enjoyed meeting "therapy dogs" (specially trained dogs who help people), painting and working with beads, singing songs, sharing their thoughts and feelings, glowing candles and quiet space as they gathered to reflect on the tragedy that struck Tucson on Saturday, Jan. 8.
A young mariachi group from Davis School began the afternoon at the church, which is near the La Toscana Center where six people were killed and 13 injured by a gunman.
Bishop Minerva Carcaño, the Methodist Bishop of Arizona and Nevada, and I began the program. I asked the children what sad looked like. Two boys put on the most dour of faces. I asked why we might be sad today. The children knew the reason for our sadness in the community. They were especially struck by the death of Christina Taylor Green, a girl of nine, young just like them.
I asked what happy looked like. Two girls showed their biggest smiles with toothy grins. I mentioned that when we are sad, friends can turn our sadness to a feeling of being comforted. Then, I shared with the little ones some of the hand made prayer and condolence cards that the children of St. Cecilia School in Houston, Texas, sent to our community last week. (See item 5 below).
Bishop Carcaño lit a candle in honor of Christina-Taylor, and the little ones threw a kiss toward the candle that will be given to her parents, John and Roxanna. Bishop Carcaño then gave a red balloon to the youngest child there, showing how we lift up one another's spirits by our kindness and concern for one another as so many have shown us in Tucson.
This was just another example of Tucsonans -- especially families -- coming together to comfort and support one another.
3. Service of Cleansing and Healing -- I am grateful to all of the clergy and faith community representatives throughout Arizona who participated in last Thursday's "Service of Cleansing and Healing" held at noon in front of the Safeway Store in La Toscana Center, the site of the shootings of Saturday, Jan. 8.
When I arrived for the service, the manager of Safeway brought me into the store to meet some of his staff who had rushed to help on that frightful Saturday morning. I talked with them individually where they worked -- in produce and at check out. I thanked each one of them for the courage they showed. They inspired us by their quick response to tragedy. Some said, "We were just doing what needed to be done." What they did moved our entire community. I was very moved to see their faith and their humility. Some asked for a blessing.
Many of the employees who were present that Saturday morning gathered with us in front of the store for the service.
I share with you here our prayers:
Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer, Southwest Conference Minister, United Church of Christ
As we select fruit and vegetables for dinner, meet a friend for lunch, purchase flowers for our aunt's birthday, buy a house, or pick up a prescription for our child, we live out our spiritual journey. It is in the everydayness of our lives - in striving to be an informed citizen or a mentoring friend, in living out our passion to help others and in seeking to learn - that we know more of the Holy One. And more of that Light is witnessed through us.
Sacred cannot be divided into Sunday or Friday/Saturday and the rest of the week. It cannot be divided strictly by space -- sanctuary or shopping center. God is, was and will be in this place. God was and is with us as we grieve. And God is with us today to help us reclaim this space for the good of all.
We gather today to ask the gracious winds of the Spirit to blow in this place anew. We gather to remember servant hearts and acts of courage and tenderness. May each of us who have been shaken to the core carry with us the deep reminder of how precious and fragile life is. In the midst of these dark days, may we reaffirm our faith in a God of love who knows our grief and comforts our shattered hearts.
Let us join our hearts, minds and voices to praise God for the beauty that surrounds and sustains us.
Bishop Kirk Smith, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
God our Father, our strength in adversity, our health in weakness, our comfort in sorrow, be merciful to your people. Look kindly on us in our suffering. Ease our burden and make our faith strong that we may always have confidence and trust in your fatherly care. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Rev. Jan Olan Flaaten, Executive Director of the Arizona Ecumenical Council
Merciful God, we lay our brothers and sisters who died and those who are wounded before you. We lay those who are isolated by grief and overwhelmed by thoughtless inquiries before you.
Today we lay La Toscana Center, especially Safeway -- the land, the buildings, the people -- before you. Pour out your healing on people and place.
Grace-filled One, we are hungry for each person to think and live reverently. We are thirsty for compassion. Fill us with reverence. Fill us with compassion.
Help us understand the plight of mental illness in a deeper way and commit our time and resources toward systemic help for those who suffer and their families.
Holy Healer, in moments when we despair, remind us of your unwavering faithfulness. Remind us that you are our rock and refuge.
Receive our rawness and our frantic searching to make sense of the senseless. Take our outrage, our pain, our wordless grief and heal us individually and as a community.
Loving Breath of the Spirit, help us remember the passion for people
and the generosity exuded in the lives of the people who were injured or killed on January 8. May their lives continue to inspire our words and actions.
Consecrate our tears, our tokens and our expressions of service. Guide us to be beacons of hope from the corner of Ina and Oracle to the four corners of the world. Amen.
Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Tucson
God our Father of mercy and love, your gift of water brings life and freshness to the earth; it washes away all that is harmful and brings new life to all that it serves. Bless this water. Give us and give this place of profound grief your cleansing and healing protection now and forever. Amen.
Rev. Sue Westfall, Presbytery Pastor/Stated Clerk, Presbytery de Cristo, Synod of the Southwest Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Dr. Dennis Williams, Regional Minister and President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Arizona
May the healing waters cleanse and reclaim;
May they renew and bring hope
From the North and the South, from the East and the West,
From all places in this center to every corner of our city
Pour out your mercy
For every store owner and employee Pour out your mercy
For each neighbor and every visitor Pour out your mercy
For those who bring food and merchandise to this center Pour out your mercy
For those who cleaned this space Pour out your mercy
For those who are consumed by grief or fear Pour out your mercy
For those around the world who continue to pray for us Pour out your mercy
For those who seek to live reverently and compassionately,
knowing we are all connected Pour out your mercy
Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño, Desert Southwest Conference, The United Methodist Church
May the gracious winds of the Spirit blow in this place anew. May peace, hope and love flow from person to person to person. And may the world continue to be transformed by acts of kindness and courage.
At the end of the service, Bishop Carcaño invited all to share a sign of peace. I was approached by two Safeway employees who were present at the store that Saturday. Again, they asked for a blessing. I was very moved when they bowed their heads to receive it.
4. "Outpouring of Support and Kindness" -- I share with you this beautiful letter from Maureen Roll that she communicated last Thursday.
There are no words to describe how my world was shattered on Saturday morning, Jan. 8. Not only did I lose John Roll, my husband and best friend of more than 40 years, but our three sons lost a wonderful father and our grandchildren their beloved Papa.
But something else happened that day and in the days that have followed.
My family's spirit has been lifted by the outpouring of support and kindness from our community. That community begins with friends and neighbors, and expands to include the community of Tucson.
It does not end there. We are a community as a state and as a nation. When a tragedy like this takes place, we come together as a people - and this is exactly what occurred for my family after the events of Jan. 8.
The expressions of kindness and concern have been beyond measure and came from friends and neighbors, many of whom brought food for our family. Safeway, Bashas, A.J.'s Fine Foods and Macaroni Grill also delivered meals to serve the many family and friends who gathered at our home. Flowers and plants arrived to brighten our dark days.
As a family, we received hundreds of cards and letters expressing condolences and prayers. These expressions of concern included a card from the person from Supercuts who has cut my husband's hair for the last 19 years. She said he was the nicest man she ever knew.
Condolences also arrived from our veterinarian's office, the staff of the Desert Foothills Post Office and the person who treats our home for termites, to name just a few.
On the evening of this tragedy, I looked out our front window to see two small lighted votive candles sitting on our fountain. I have no idea which neighbor committed this small act of kindness, but I certainly felt their concern for my family and me.
A small memorial with the words, "For our friend and neighbor" including an American flag stands in front of another neighbor's home. Someone left a Ben's Bell, which symbolizes kindness toward one another.
On Jan. 14, as my family and I traveled the route to the cemetery, our hearts were uplifted when we observed fire trucks from the Northwest Fire Department, Station 30, parked by the side of the road with their lights flashing and a large American flag displayed. A row of firemen stood at attention.
All along the route people got out of their cars or stood by the side of the road and saluted or waved American flags.
I don't know who these people were, but their kindness and concern was evident and I know they are part of our community.
Tucson suffered a tremendous tragedy in lives lost and people injured on Jan. 8 -- but we also had many heroes that day.
Throughout this week, my family has observed a variety of agencies working together to assist not only our family, but to make our community a better place.
We are a caring and resilient people and we will rise above this tragedy, hopefully becoming a kinder and more respectful people.
My husband strived in his life to treat each person with dignity and respect. He loved America and was proud of our tradition of democracy.
Thank you.
Maureen, we thank you.
We learned last week that Judge Roll died as he tried to shield Ron Barber, his friend. We all knew John was a good and decent man, and we know now that he demonstrated "no greater love" in giving his life to protect another. That was the kind of man he was. His faith made him strong and courageous.
5. "We Are Praying for You" -- Last week, I received a big box filled with dozens of prayer and condolence cards made by the students of St. Cecelia Catholic School in Houston, Texas. (The cards were made before the announcement that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords would be going to Houston for her rehabilitation.)
The cards are for all who died and who were wounded in the shootings, for their families and for the Tucson community.
6. Presbyteral Council -- The Presbyteral Council holds its first meeting of the new year this morning at the Pastoral Center.
Our agenda includes a report on the progress of the Cathedral's renovation (the Mass of Re-dedication is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 12), and reports on this year's Annual Catholic Appeal and Our Faith, Our Hope, Our Future, our diocesan renewal campaign.
The major agenda item is a discussion of our diocesan priorities for this year and how we can realize them.
I am looking forward to our discussion, and I am sure our vicars forane will have many good ideas.
7. On the Confirmation Trail -- I will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation this evening at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Tucson and this Friday evening at St. Ambrose Parish in Tucson.
8. Diocesan Finance Council --The Finance Council meets tomorrow here at the Pastoral Center. We will welcome Raymond Bargull, a parishioner of St. Pius X Parish in Tucson, as the Council's newest member.
9. Meeting of the Recently Ordained -- I look forward to being with our priests ordained within the last five years as they hold their quarterly gathering tomorrow and Wednesday at the Redemptorist Renewal Center at Picture Rocks.
The theme of this gathering is "Building a Strong Presbyterate." Several priests and lay persons will share their expectations and hopes for our recently ordained priests. I look forward to praying with our priests and enjoying time with them.
10. Meeting of Pastoral Center Directors -- Father Al Schifano, our Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, and I this Thursday will hold our monthly meeting with the directors of our Pastoral Center diocesan offices and departments.
11. Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities -- I am very honored to be giving the plenary session address this Sunday at the annual meeting in Washington, D.C., of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities.
Founded in 1899, the Association promotes and strengthens the mission and character of Catholic higher education in the U.S. and serves as the collective voice of its member institutions.
The theme of this year's annual meeting is "Catholic Higher Education: Carrying on God's Noiseless Work." The theme connects this year's meeting to Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, the great theologian, who, in reflecting in one his famous Oxford sermons on the powerful personal influence of "hidden saints," said, "Say they are few, such high Christians; and what follows? They are enough to carry on God's noiseless work."
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman is the inspiration for this year's meeting, and my talk will be on "Newman and Ex Corde: Proud to be Catholic."
(Ex Corde Ecclesiae is the Vatican document promulgated in 1990 by Pope John Paul II that outlines the relationship between the bishops and Catholic colleges and universities. The document called for "close personal and pastoral relationships…between university and Church authorities, characterized by mutual trust, close and consistent cooperation and continuing dialogue." The bishops in the U.S. approved "The Application of Ex Corde Ecclesiae for the U.S." that became effective May 3, 2001. Bishops and Catholic university presidents across the U.S. will engage in conversations over the next year as a first step in a 10 year review of "The Application of Ex Corde Ecclesiae for the U.S.")
12. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish -- Parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Tucson filled their church Saturday evening for Mass and the installation of Father John Lyons as their pastor. They gave Father John a standing ovation after the installation, a tribute to how well the community has received him. They have quickly come to respect and appreciate him and his ministry.
Just before Mass, we gathered on the patio of the former rectory where Msgr. Todd O'Leary lived for many years after his founding of the parish. In a few days, the house will be leveled and a new classroom building for religious education of children will be constructed. Father John and the parish will name it the Msgr. Todd O' Leary Building.
During the Mass, the community gave Msgr. Todd rousing applause when Father John thanked him for his nearly three decades of service as pastor. Clearly, the people love and respect Msgr. Todd. He won the hearts of his people, and they expressed their highest regard for him.
At the end of Mass, I blessed with Sacred Chrism the consecratory candles that have been installed in the church. Msgr. Todd wanted to wait until they retired the parish debt before this blessing, and the parish has done that.
13. Congratulations to Peg Harmon -- I am very happy to share with you the news of the honor that Peg Harmon, chief executive officer of Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona, received last week.
Peg was one of three recipients of Catholic Charities USA "Keep the Dream Alive" Award in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 17. The awards ceremony honored the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and paid tribute to national figures who inspire the nation to keep the dream of Dr. King alive through their work to reduce poverty in our country. The other recipients are Joshua DuBois, director of the Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and Maria M. Odom, executive director of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network.
Peg has served as chief executive officer of CCS in Tucson since 1999. She has worked as a program director and as executive director of CCS's program for disabled persons.
Catholic Charities acknowledged Peg as a dedicated advocate for the people CCS serves: low-income individuals and families, immigrants, refugees, people with disabilities and domestic violence victims.
Peg, this was well-deserved recognition, and we all are very proud of you!
14. Welcome to the Pastoral Center -- We welcome Isabel Madrid to the Pastoral Center as a member of our Department of Pastoral Services. Isabel will be the department's administrative assistant, the position that Janet Towner has held for many years. Janet will be introducing Isabel to the department for the next few weeks until her retirement in February. Isabel comes to us from St. Patrick Parish in Bisbee. Her son is a freshman at San Miguel High School and her daughter is a freshman at the University of Arizona.
15. Remember in Your Prayers -- Please pray for Father Richard Tomasek, S.J., parochial vicar at St. Mark the Evangelist Parish in Tucson, who is recovering from surgery. Father Richard is very well loved and respected by the people of St. Mark.
Please pray for the repose of the souls of Maureen Larson, wife of retired Deacon Don Larson of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Yuma, and Isabel Acosta, the mother of Irene Holguin, a former co-worker at the Pastoral Center who is now on the staff of St. Augustine Cathedral Parish.
Vol. 8, No. 36
Jan. 31, 2011
This is National Catholic Schools Week, and we have much to celebrate!
The theme for this year's observance communicates that our Catholic Schools are an added value ("a plus") for the families, parishes and communities they serve and for our Nation.
The National Catholic Education Association makes these points about our Catholic Schools:
-- Because of their traditionally high academic standards and high graduation rates, all supported by strong moral values, Catholic Schools and their graduates make a positive contribution to our Nation.
-- Catholic Schools give a high level of service to their local communities because of the many service projects students undertake. Giving back to the community and helping others are values instilled in every Catholic School student.
-- Catholic Schools give a high level of service to our Nation by serving students from all economic backgrounds and giving them a strong academic and moral foundation, allowing them to succeed in life, serving in government, industry, business, non-profits and education.
I remember fondly my own days in Catholic School. I went to Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Chicago in the third grade. I had been in Schubert Public School before that. I still remember vividly my first day in a Catholic School. I entered Sister Vivian's third grade class. They were having a spelling bee. I was so nervous, but with luck lasted to the final three standing. I went down on the word "scrumptious." I have never forgotten how to spell it.
The Sisters of Nazareth who taught me in grade school were great teachers, tough but effective, and they instilled a great love of the Lord in us. My eighth grade teacher, Sister Fabiola, whom we called "Fabs," was indeed fabulous. We all loved her, respected her and learned so much from her. She even tried to teach the boys how to dance. That was not easy.
In high school at Quigley Seminary, I met so many wonderful priests and lay people who were mentors and models. They inspired me. I remember Father Matt Hoffman, my English teacher, who took us to the Quetico National Forest in Ely, Minnesota, to enter the boundary waters in canoes. That was a real rite of passage for many of us, our first time away from home. I remember Father Gene Faucher, who taught me algebra and who I only learned lately was just a page or two ahead of us in the textbook. We thought he knew everything. Mr. Oliver, our physical education teacher, was as tough as nails and got us to do things we couldn't imagine we could do.
So many of us can look back on our Catholic School experience with pride and gratitude. As I visit our Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Tucson, I see how our teachers are making a difference in the lives of their students and making memories that will last a lifetime.
I am always impressed by the activities that our Catholics Schools select and schedule for National Catholic Schools Weeks.
Take a look at this year's activities. You will see that our Catholic Schools are emphasizing Faith and Service to Others.
But wait! There's more!
There is "Goofy Hair Day" (my personal favorite). There are special breakfasts and lunches for parents and grandparents. There are events to honor members of the law enforcement and the Armed Services. There is "No Homework Day."
Congratulations to our Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Tucson as they celebrate this special week!
1. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award Winners -- Since 1992, Salpointe has presented its St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award at the beginning of Catholic Schools Week to recognize persons in our Diocese who have made significant contributions to Catholic Education.
This morning, Salpointe is proud to announce and salute the Seton Award Winners for 2011. Rita Banfi of San Xavier Mission School in Tucson and Ellie Kwader-Murphy of St. Joseph Catholic School are "outstanding educators who have made a significant contribution to Catholic Education and to the development of character of Southern Arizona's young people."
Congratulations to Rita and Ellie!
2. Catholic Schools Mass and Rally -- This Wednesday morning, hundreds of students in the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Gallup, the Diocese of Phoenix and our Diocese will gather for our annual Catholic Schools Week Mass and Rally at the State Capitol.
Representing our Diocese will be students, faculty and parents from Lourdes Catholic School and Sacred Heart School in Nogales and St. Ambrose School and St. Augustine High School in Tucson.
3. Catholic Relief Services -- I am in Baltimore today for meetings at the headquarters of Catholic Relief Services.
Bishop George Thomas of the Diocese of Helena is head of the Search Committee to select a new chief executive officer for Catholic Relief Services. He and I will be meeting with senior staff and later with the staff from CRS from around the world to explain the search process and to encourage and invite their involvement in the process. Russell Reynolds Search Firm is working with the Search Committee of the Board of Directors to direct the process. Bishop Thomas and I also will meet with the staff of Russell Reynolds to discuss the process and timeline for the selection of the person who will replace outgoing CEO Ken Hackett, who has been the face and heart of CRS for nearly 20 years.
4. Arizona Catholic Conference -- Bishop James Wall of the Diocese of Gallup, Bishop Eduardo Nevares of the Diocese of Phoenix and I will meeting tomorrow afternoon in Phoenix as the Arizona Catholic Conference.
It is the tradition of the Conference for our first meeting of the year to focus on our public policy concerns and interests. It is also our annual tradition at this time to meet with our State's top elected officials. We will meet Wednesday with Gov. Jan Brewer, House Speaker Kirk Adams and Senate President Bob Burns. Also on Wednesday, we will host our annual breakfast for state legislators.
(Bishop Thomas Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix won't be with us as he is in Rome.)
5. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Special Exhibit -- I am honored to have been invited to this Wednesday's opening reception and celebration for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Special Exhibit at the Arizona State Museum on the University of Arizona campus.
The exhibit, from Feb. 3 through 28, will feature specially selected original excerpts from the historic treaty that are on loan from the National Archives. The exhibit is being brought to Tucson by Amistades Inc., a Tucson non-profit community development and substance abuse organization.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (named for the town near Mexico City where it was signed on Feb. 2, 1848) is the peace treaty that ended the Mexican-American War.
History is a very important dimension of our efforts to understand and respond to the complex socio-economic and political challenges of our border communities, and I appreciate the context into which Amistades places the importance of this exhibit for our community.
According to Ricardo Jasso, founder and chief executive officer of Amistades, "Members of our community have this rare opportunity to see portions of the actual document that gave birth to the Mexican-American community in this country. It is our vision at Amistades that the treaty's presence will serve as a catalyst for discussion and education, bring about reflection, increase curiosity and instill a sense of patriotism."
You can learn more about the exhibit here.
6. Southwest Liturgical Conference Study Week 2011 -- I am honored to be giving the Thursday plenary session address at the 49th Annual Southwest Liturgical Conference Study Week 2011 in Salt Lake City.
"Ever Ancient, Ever New: Preparing for the New Roman Missal," is the theme for this year's Study Week. Participants will receive a broad perspective on the celebration of the Mass with the new translation. My talk is on "Liturgical Leadership in a Time of Change."
The Study Week is the oldest continuous regional liturgical conference in the U.S. Sister Lois Paha, O.P., director of our diocesan Department of Pastoral Services, serves as president of the Southwest Liturgical Conference Board of Directors and will be attending the Study Week and giving two workshops. Sister tells me learned that there are nine person from our Diocese who are registered for the Study Week. Our Diocese was proud to host the Study Week in 2008.
7. On the Confirmation Trail -- I will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation this Friday evening at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Tucson for the students of Salpointe Catholic High School.
8. Parish Corporation Boards of Directors Convocation -- Our fifth annual Directors' Convocation is this Saturday at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Tucson.
Each of our parishes is a non-profit corporation that operates with a board of directors that is comprised of the pastor, two parishioners who are elected to serve as secretary and treasurer, Father Al Schifano, our Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, and myself.
The convocation is an opportunity for us to focus on shared challenges, concerns and issues.
"Forming Vibrant Parish Communities" is our theme for this year's Convocation. Four of our pastors will discuss their experiences as president of the parish corporation board of directors and share insights about what they think leads to a vibrant parish community. I will share a reflection on the future of our Diocese, and there will be three breakout sessions on risk management, finances and parish improvement projects.
The convocation also is an opportunity for me to thank the directors for the gifts of their time and talents in providing guidance to their parish corporations and oversight of their parish operations.
9. Vocations Discernment Afternoon -- Following the Directors' Convocation, I am looking forward to spending Saturday afternoon with men who have been thinking about the possibility of a vocation to the priesthood.
We will be meeting at the Pastoral Center to share in prayer and to talk about responding to a call for giving yourself to a life of service in the Church as a priest.
If you know of someone who has shared an interest in a vocation to the priesthood, give encouragement for joining us. You can call Marty Hammond in our Office of Vocations, 520-838-2531 for information.
10. Pastor Installation, Lunar New Year Celebration – It will be my joy this Sunday during the 10 a.m. Mass to install Father Dominic Phuc Trong Pham, C.Ss.R., as the sixth pastor of Our Lady of LaVang Parish in Tucson.
This joyous occasion for the community of Our Lady of LaVang coincides with the parish’s celebration of the Lunar New Year. After Mass, we will enjoy scrumptious food and entertainment. The parish invites all in our Diocese to the celebration of Father Dominic’s installation and the New Year of the Rabbit.
11. World Day for Consecrated Life -- The worldwide Church will be praying for vocations this Sunday as we celebrate the 15th annual World Day for Consecrated Life.
Pope John Paul II instituted this day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life in 1997.
It is an opportunity for the Universal Church to highlight the ordinary and extraordinary contributions of consecrated men and women in this country and to pray for vocations to the consecrated life.
I encourage our parishes to participate in the observance. Excellent resources are available here.
Reflecting on this year's observance, Archbishop Robert Carlson, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, said, "We thank God for the service of many consecrated men and women who work in parishes, schools, universities, chanceries, hospitals, centers of social service, counseling and spiritual direction. So often, these men and women transform human need through their prayerful witness of the love of Christ by educating the unlearned, healing the sick, comforting the sorrowful, befriending the lonely. Their zeal and joy for doing God's will manifests the life and holiness of the Church."
We know full well the blessings of the presence of women and men religious in our Diocese, and this Sunday we will pray in thanksgiving for the great gift of their lives of service to the Church.
12. A "Thank You" from the Green Family -- The parents of Christina-Taylor Green and her brother have communicated this beautiful "thank you" letter:
To Our Tucson Community:
Our deepest gratitude goes out to the entire Tucson community for the support that has been shown to us in our time of sorrow at the passing of our little girl Christina-Taylor Green. She embodied everything that is good about our Tucson community and our country as a whole. The words, deeds, donations and support are not only a comfort, but a source of strength for us in this difficult time. Among all of the supporters we would especially like to thank:
-- The Pima County Sheriff's Department for their amazing diligence ensuring not only our safety but also our privacy.
-- The Diocese of Tucson, especially Bishop Kicanas, Father Troutman and Father Lombardo, who helped guide us through the difficult process of saying goodbye to sweet Christina-Taylor.
-- Bring's Funeral Chapel, there are not words to express our gratitude for the gentle and compassionate way you supported us.
-- Northwest Fire Department for the ladder trucks that raised the 9/11 flag.
-- The many restaurants that provided the wonderful food throughout the week at our house, St. Odilia and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic churches.
-- The many friends who did whatever needed to be done -- from providing rental cars to organizing receptions.
-- The students, staff and parents of Mesa Verde Elementary School, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School, San Miguel and Salpointe Catholic high schools.
-- The limousine services that graciously provided transportation for our family and friends.
-- The entire Tucson community, who stood, and remain standing, by us and all the other victims of this tragic event.
We know that in our attempt to thank those whose thoughts and prayers have helped carry us through this incredibly difficult time we may have missed someone. We also know that there are many who did little things that we will never know about.
All we can say is thank you, and we are deeply moved and proud to be part of this community.
With heartfelt thanks,
John, Roxanna and Dallas Green
I share a reflection on how much faith matters when a community experiences tragedy on the America magazine Website.
13. February Issue of The New Vision -- The February issue of The New Vision will be distributed at our parishes this weekend.
There is special coverage of the tragic shootings in Tucson and a story with photos about the Tucson March for Life.
There is also a special eight-page section on the history of St. Augustine Cathedral as we approach the Mass of Rededication of our Cathedral on Saturday, Feb. 12.
14. 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal -- The 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal is off to a good start as the first pledges and gifts are being received in response to my initial letter inviting parishioners to help us meet our goal of $3.7 million.
This past Saturday and Sunday of Announcement Weekend, our parishes asked parishioners to review the ACA information in their parish bulletins and then to prayerfully consider participating in the campaign. Many parishes used the first of three specifically designed bulletin inserts. I am grateful to our pastors who announced their support for the campaign from the pulpit.
This coming weekend is Education Weekend, an important step in helping parishioners to learn more about the 26 charities and ministries funded by the ACA. I encourage our parishes to show the 2011 ACA video this coming weekend.
15. Remember in Your Prayers -- Please pray for the repose of the soul of Father Bryan W. Sherry, 74, a retired priest of our Diocese, who died Sunday, Jan. 23, after a long illness.
Father Sherry gave 48 years of faithful priestly service in our Diocese, serving as associate pastor at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Phoenix, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Glendale, Holy Angels Parish in Globe, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Tucson, St. Monica Parish in Tucson, Christ the King Parish in Mesa, St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Casa Grande, St. Rose of Lima Parish in Safford and St. Odilia Parish in Tucson. He served as pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Hayden and at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Florence. He also served as a consultant to our Tribunal for a number of years.
Visitation and the Vigil are this evening at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish beginning at 7 p.m. The Funeral Mass will be at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. I will be the celebrant, with priests of our Diocese as concelebrants.
Please pray for Father Richard Tomasek, S.J., parochial vicar at St. Mark the Evangelist Parish in Tucson, who continues to recover from surgery.