The 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal kicked off the weekend of Jan. 25-26.
The $4 million goal is the same as the one from the 2019 Appeal, but there are several new features with this year’s drive.
First, the executive director of the Catholic Foundation has changed. Ernie Nedder had served as lead fundraiser for the Diocese for years before finally retiring at the end of January. Replacing him is Elizabeth Bollinger, formerly of the Tucson Boys & Girls Clubs. Carla Smith has also joined the Foundation as a data entry specialist.
The Foundation also has a new preferred closing date. ACA Manager Suzanne Hopkins said that parishes are being encouraged to reach their goals by May 31, rather than have the solicitation process run throughout the year.
“That allows the parish to get back to local business,” Hopkins said. Donors also get weary of year-round solicitations, although pledges are not necessarily due to be fulfilled at the end of May.
Those who choose to take regular automatic deductions will continue to have the full calendar year to fulfill their pledges.
Foundation leadership hopes to see participation in more parishes increase to 100%. Participation rates last year ranged between 15-25% of registered parishioners and while total participation may be unrealistic, “we want to encourage pastors to work on their numbers,” she said.
Last year’s total fell just short of goal, at $3.85 million. Parish goals are largely unchanged, she said, and can be found by using the secured page at the Foundation website,
In his annual letter announcing the Appeal, Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger focused on one theme of the drive: mercy.
“From its inception, the Annual Catholic Appeal has been the mainstream of mercy in our diocese – building up the faith, empowering the ministries of our Church to put the Gospel into action, showing mercy and touching the lives of thousands in our midst, and bringing hope to people in many meaningful ways,” the bishop wrote.
“Throughout the parishes and ministries of our diocese, we act every day to create and strengthen opportunities for people to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ. This is no small task, and it is only possible because we come together to prayerfully work toward our common goal.”
The Appeal theme is “Living our Faith through Acts of Charity – Faith, Mercy, Hope.”
Broken down, the $4 million funds the following ministries:
- Seminarian and clergy education and support - $1.169 million
- Schools, education and evangelization - $729,000
- Diocesan ministries - $577,000
- Grants to needy parishes and Native American missions - $564,000
- Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona - $450,000
- Additional parish support - $300,000
- Youth and Young Adult Ministries - $86,000
- Kolbe Society/Detention Ministry - $75,000
- Jordan Ministries - $50,000
Reporting on the 2019 Appeal, the Catholic Foundation recorded that 97% of all pledges received were fulfilled, the average annual gift was $319 and there were 12,145 donors.
Commitment Weekend for the 2020 Appeal is scheduled for Feb. 15-16, with reminder requests set for the rest of the spring.
For questions, call the Foundation at (520) 838-2504, or email
[email protected].